Bob Jones
Landscape Photography

Recent Photos

With the new year it is time for a gallery post with new photos.

The first six pictures are from a week cruise in Marlborough Sounds just before Christmas. Unlike the trip a month earlier the weather was settled and these shots were taken from the cockpit having a morning cupa.

These are followed by some older photos that I have recently reprocessed. Whenever I make a new print I check to make sure that the editing is up to date with the latest tools which are constantly evolving. Both Photoshop and third party plug-ins are constantly evolving.

I am now using more powerful editing tools including luminosity masks that target specific tonal ranges in an image for precise control of brightness and color. When I reprocess a photo that can benefit from luminosity masking techniques it feels like a new photo is born. While the older process versions reflected what Adobe Lightroom and basic Photoshop edits could achieve, luminosity masking can bring out a significantly greater range of pixel data in an image file, allowing for more creative control of the image.

Through out this year I will periodically post new photos to the “Recent Photos” and that will include digital scans of 6 cm x 4.5 cm color transparencies that I shot in another life time along the Maine coast and it’s remote inland lakes. It’s pretty crazy seeing digital photos of scenes that have been hiding in storage for 40 years. I look forward to sharing them.

The gallery will automatically scroll but if you want to manually control the slides, click any of the controls to stop the action and use the forward or back arrows.

Enjoy the photos.

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    Bob jones
    landscape photography

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